
Application tips

Your path to Littlebit
...is shorter than you think!
1. Introduce yourself
Send us your application documents in PDF format online. Also write us a brief description of yourself and why you are the perfect fit for Littlebit and your desired position. We'll take a close look at everything and get back to you as soon as possible.
2. First meeting
The first impression is right! We look forward to meeting you in person. Ideally, the interview will take place at our premises. A telephone call or video call is also possible by arrangement.
3. Second meeting
The chemistry is right on both sides? Wonderful! We'll get together again, discuss your area of expertise in more detail and finalise the framework conditions for your new job.
4. Welcome to Littebit Technology!
We look forward to meeting you! You can expect a personal induction programme and active support from your new colleagues. You will be a fully-fledged Little-Bit from day one!